
Manufacturing Shop

The compay elies o the pofessioal kowledge of 26 yeas, spaes o effot i poduct eseach ad developmet, ad joitly develops "HXL" idepedet bad HXL HE33ESR, HXL H13ESR ad othe high-ed die-castig mold mateials with domestic famous steel mills.To help customes develop, maufactue ad sell high-pefomace poducts to maitai the advatages, is you pefeed pate. Compay to povide the most advaced o the top of the heat teatmet sevices, with the Gema VWC121018-15 exta high pessue gas quechig vacuum fuace, sio-gema joit vetue moe tha vacuum high-pessue gas quechig fuace, vacuum potective atmosphee moe tha tempeig fuace, vacuum itidig fuace ad othe high-ed heat teatmet equipmet, lage ABP sad blastig machie, ca povide customes with high quality ad efficiet heat teatmet ad die suface stegtheig teatmet. The compay has passed iso9001:2008 iteatioal quality maagemet system cetificatio;Ad obtaied the atioal high-tech etepise cetificatio.Compay adheig to the "quality fist, itegity sevice, people-oieted, wi-wi coopeatio" busiess philosophy, to wi the ecogitio of the idusty ad customes at home ad abo... Read More

Workshop Show